







本次年會暨研討會均公開徵求理論性與實證性研究論文,結合發表與公開討論,選取扣緊年會主題「2008:變局與挑戰」核心相關論文。本次年會邀請著名國外學者參與以及積極與國際期刊合作兩途徑增強國際交流以擴散臺灣民主發展。本次研討會中優秀的論文,除鼓勵投稿中國政治學會發行之優良學術期刊《政治學報》外,目前規劃與國際書商洽談,以便會後發展後續新企劃,進行國際優秀期刊special issue合作的可能性。期藉此擴散與分享臺灣深化民主化的政治理論與發展成就。本次年會依國際學術研討會模式,增闢poster session,鼓勵政治學領域年輕學子發表與互動經驗,期能培養政治學後輩,深化台灣政治科學研究基礎。


主持人 發表情況

主持人 發表情況





2014 中國政治學會暨學術研討會 吳副總統蒞臨會場致詞

2014 中國政治學會暨學術研討會 吳副總統蒞臨會場致詞    


本次年會暨研討會特邀吳副總統 敦義撥冗蒞臨並致詞;並邀請英國諾丁漢大學榮譽教授Dr. Paul D. Collins於本次研討會開幕大會上作專題演講。


21世紀民主治理的困境,反映出麥迪遜 (James Madison)所說:「倘若人人均天使,根本不必有政府。」只是,矛盾的是當代人民對政府的治理卻產生更急迫的需求。民眾既要自由,又要求政府的積極治理,這對民主政府來說,著實是一大挑戰。



中國政治學會邀請到英國諾丁漢大學政治與國際關係學院榮譽教授Dr. Paul D Collins,於本次會議中擔任開幕大會主題演講的主講人,發表英語專題演說。本次專題演講主題為「國際政治經濟學:挑戰民主治理(The International Political Economy:Challenges to Democratic Governance)」,與本次研討會主題相互呼應。


吳副總統 敦義在大會入口處簽到。

吳副總統 敦義在大會入口處簽到。



外國學者 Paul D Collins 蒞臨演講

外國學者 Paul D Collins 蒞臨演講











Vice-president Wu gave a speech at the opening

The Annual Academic Conference of Chinese Association of Political Science The Vice-president of Taiwan Den-yih Wu Arrived to Give a Speech

Chinese Association of Political Science had held their 24th annual conference titled “The International Political Economic Change and Challenge to Democratic Governance” on November 8th and 9th in 2014. This conference took a synthetic approach on the cross-field studies on theories, politics, economics and sociology to discuss the development of international politics and economics as well as the challenges to democratic governance for most nations. We expected to provide substantial amount of research for the studies of Taiwan’s political science and other related knowledge groups as well as a platform for scholarly interchanges.

We had invited Taiwan’s Vice-president Den-yih Wu to give a speech for our conference. Dr. Paul Collins – the emeritus professor in University of Nottingham in United Kingdom is our special guest who also gave keynote speech for our opening day.

  1. The speech by Vice-president Wu in the opening

In the beginning, Vice-president Wu had showed his great support for our conference and he focused on the topic “The International Political Economic Change and Challenge to Democratic Governance” to give a lecture. Wu mentioned that this is the time of globalization, and at present there are three major economic domains in the world: European Union, North America Free Trade Area and Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation. These three economic domains have played the crucial roles in the changing period of international politics and economics as the issues of economy and security have surpassed the political and military concerns and become the dominant trend of our times. This inevitably leads to the unilateral or multi-lateral collaboration in the economic trades between nations as the obstacles of custom duties have been eradicated to accelerate the flows of global economy. However, there are still many problems when it comes to the actual practice of global governance, particularly various technological innovations. On the one hand, this has facilitated the societal modernization. On the other hand, this has also provoked the risk of uncertainty.

The dilemma of democratic governance in the 21st century is the validity of government. James Madison says, “If men were angels, no government would be necessary.” The saying reflects the urgent need of proper governance of our time. If freedom is what people wish for, active governance from the democratic government would contradict the want of freedom from people. Thus, this issue has been a great challenge in our time.

At last, Vice-president Wu brought out the prospect of “good-willed governance” and he reaffirmed his idea by quoting the passage of “great unity” of “Li-yun” in the traditional Chinese Confucian classic as he wished to encourage the participants of this conference to modernize our traditional values and apply them to the contemporary society. Wu thinks that best future of the world relies upon the elites who cooperate on the issues concerning globalization with good sense of communication. This shall be the essence of democratic governance as well as the ultimate ideal goal for the capable statesmen in the world. 

  1. Paul Collins of University of Nottingham in UK arrived to give a keynote speech

Chinese Association of Political Science had invited Emeritus Professor Paul Collins from University of Nottingham in UK to give a keynote English-speaking speech at the conference-opening. The topic of Dr. Collins’ keynote speech is “The International Political Economy:Challenges to Democratic Governance” to resonate the title of this conference.

In Dr. Collins’ keynote speech, Dr. Collins indicates the significance of political economics and democratic governance. Collins starts by redefining the concept of democracy, which gradually catalyzes the leak holes over the borders between nations. The issues of leakage might cause crisis between dominant nations and less dominant nations. Furthermore, the blurring of boundaries in the global society also brings forth more challenges to our general safety. From the perspective of history, Collins urges the International Monetary Fund to help to solve the problem in Greek economy. At present, Collins asserts that we need to have some vision over and put our trusts in our people and our leaders so they can thoroughly practice the idea of democratic governance. Through expansive participation and the reaffirmation of our civil rights, democratic governance can surely stimulate positive progress in our nation as well as our society.

English scholar Dr. Paul D Collins arrived to give a keynote speech

English scholar Dr. Paul D Collins arrived to give a keynote speech

Vice-president Wu gave a speech at the opening

Vice-president Wu gave a speech at the opening

Vice-president Den-yih Wu arrived in the conference.

Vice-president Den-yih Wu arrived in the conference.

The Annual International Academic Conference of Chinese Association of Political Science was a big success

The 24th annual conference of CAPS (Chinese Association of Political Science) took place on November 8~9 in the north side of General College of Social Science in Taiwan’s National Chengchi University. The theme in 2014 is “The International Political Economic Change and Challenge to Democratic Governance.”

This conference has gathered all the elites of political science through public call-for-paper, aggregating national and international scholars dedicating themselves to the related studies of political science. We have eight focuses this year: “Global Politics and Economy,” “Democratic System and Operation,” “Civic Society and Political Participation,” “”Political Governance and The System for Civil Officials,” “International Condition and Relation Across the Taiwan Strait” and “Aboriginal Ethnicity.”

Thanks to the enthusiastic participation from people in various fields, CAPS had drawn over 600 people to our annual conference. There were 196 experts and graduate students presenting 71 papers and 10 newly published books in the conference in 34 seminars. Furthermore, we had also arranged the press conference for the new books in the field of political science and an exhibition for our attendants to grasp the latest information in the Political Science Academy.

In the meantime, CAPS held our 27th meeting for our members. This meeting was hosted by our chair-man Prof. Yuang-Kuang Kao, and it reported to our members about our present situation and related trivia, including the revision of our constitution laws, the financial result in 2013, the project-plan and the financial budget in 2014 as well as the preview of our upcoming conference in 2015.

CAPS would like to express our gratitude to the patronage from various public and private organization and individual volunteers. Due to their generous patronage and helpful communication, CAPS was able to create an effective academic meeting with many enriching conversation as well as promising scholarly exchange. We are grateful to have the helps from the faculty and students in National Chengchi University’s Development Studies Center. Also, we would like to express our special thanks to the organizations who had helped and guided us on this event, and they are The Institute of Political Science at Academia Sinica, Ministry of the Interior, Examination Yuan of ROC, Council of Indigenous People, Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, The Foundation on International Peace of Cross-strait Studies, The Development Studies Center of NCCU, The College of International Affairs of NCCU, and Research, Development and Evaluation Commission of Taipei City Government.


These are our research focuses in retrospection:.

International Situation and Cross-strait Relation

Prof. Jiang-wen Kou in the Department of Political Science in NCCU had presented a paper titled “The Tension in the Border of Xing-jiang: Why the Conflicts between Han and Ulghur Ethnic Groups Keep Deteriorating?” with the MA student of National Taiwan University Sing-zong Zheng. In their essay, they point out that the interventions of religious radicals and exterior power have worsened the conflicts between these two ethnic groups, in addition to their historical feuds, and such interventions have deepened the mutual distrusts toward each other and lessened the potentiality of peace among them.

Dr. Wen-tin Yang of University of Denver in the United States had presented a paper titled “The Influence of China-Japan Military Competition over the East China Sea,” and in this paper, Dr. Yang notes the changes of their naval forces and military deployment and the controversy over the borderline territory – Senkaku Islands. Dr. Yang asks whether the intensification of China-Japan military competition can change the East Asian condition and the China-Japan policies toward Taiwan. At last, Dr. Yang evaluates the potential choices left for Taiwan on the military strategies and diplomatic policies in the future.

Global Politics and Economy

Prof. Wen-yang Chang in the Department of Diplomacy of NCCU had presented a paper titled “The Peace Discourse in the Capitalism of International Relations: from 1970~2011,” and in this essay, Prof. Chang tries to examine the wars and military collisions from 1970 to 2010 from the perspective of general economic system and discuss how economic system affected the international relations. The nations who have more economic freedom and less intervention toward the trades have fewer opportunities for wars and military collisions. The reasons may be, this enables the state to get involved in the market, and the capitalistic nations have to bear more capitalized costs on the war affairs. In the simultaneous context of economic system and democratic system, the former exerts more effects on blocking military activities.


Professor Xu-chi Wang in The Law Department of SooChow University and graduate student Mei-yi Tsai had presented a paper titled “The Impact of Multi-lateral International Conventions on China and the Influence of ASEAN Trade and Investment Law on Taiwan,” and they point out in the paper that Taiwan, as part of the pivot of Asian economic trade, has close relationship with People’s Republic of China and other nations in ASEAN. Therefore, the league between PRC and ASEAN will undoubtedly place huge influence on Taiwan, particularly the investments. The confirmation of “Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Co-operation between ASEAN and the People’s Republic of China” has eradicated the investment obstacles between them and offered the best interests and welfare security over the members of these regions. The result might be the exclusion of Taiwan as the participation of China and ASEAN would unfavorably deteriorate the discrimination of Taiwan in the general Asian economic trade.

The Democratic System and Operation

Professor Zi-Chiao Su in the research center of National Chiao-tung University and Professor Ye-li Wang in the department of Political Science in National Taiwan University had presented a paper titled “The Influence of the President and Mixed-member System during the Election Season over the General System of Political Parties: a Cross-nation Analysis,” and in this paper they examine how the mixed-member system has influenced the general condition of political parties in the democratic nations all over the world. They debate whether the presidential election or the mixed-member system places bigger impact over the general election. By the full-scale cross-nation analysis over the democratic nations all over the world, they attempt to have a global overview to determine the priority between these two in order to have a full grasp of the close details in the making of the system of political parties in the democratic nations.

Professor Chang-ping Lin in the Department of East Asia studies in National Taiwan Normal University had presented a paper titled “The Spatial Message in the Presidential Election: the Comparison between Taiwan South Korea,” and in this paper he attempts to combine the spatiality and KLR signal analysis to contemplate the predicative efficacy over the various indexes of election results, making positive analysis by the recourses gathered from the elections of Taiwan and South Korea and discerning the differences and commonality between these two by the spatial signal analysis.

Globalization and Regional Governance

The PhD candidate Jing-fang Chen in the department of Public Administration in NCCU had presented a paper titled “The Case-study of Feng-hwa (from National Museum of History and Tai-hwa Pottery) as the Innovative Governance of Creative Industry,” and in this paper she attempts to propose the framework analysis of innovative governance and its association with the recent cultural creative industry. She uses the case of Feng-hwa, which is a brand of product created under the cooperation between Tai-hwa pottery and National Museum of History to indicate the present condition and challenges for the Public Administrators on the promotion of cultural creative industry.

In her research, Chen discovers that NMH abandoned the conventional method of unilateral authorization but chose the cross-field strategy instead to strengthen the integrative partnership between the public and private administrators, actively taking full control of the environmental changes. At last, she discussed the potential improvement of such innovative governance as a reference for governmental policies in order to benefit the theoretical cultivation of “innovative governance.”


Civil Society and Political Participation

Professor Shi-xian Chang in the department of Public Administration and Policy in National Taipei University had presented a paper titled “”News Media and Straightforward Democratic Participation: the Case-study of Sunflower Student Movement, and in this paper he discusses the process of Taiwan government’s promotion of Cross-strait Service Trade Agreement, and how this had provoked the Sunflower Student Movement. He uses this example as the case-study to contemplate the operational condition and efficacy of Taiwan’s news media. In Chang’s analysis, the students had made effective usage of news media to put their political ideals into practices through various online platfroms over various issues and policies, and they had stimulated positive effects on democratic governance.

Professor Ren-tian and Professor Shi-xian Chang also take the example of Sunflower Student Movement to explain how a new cultural low is created by the peer pressures and the overflow of affects in the news media in their essay “Peer Pressure and the Effect of Affect in the Case of Sunflower Student Movement.” The question would be, what was the news media standard before the new low? They look into the atmosphere and the publicity students of Sunflower Student Movement and the behaviors of the students and the civil participants as they observe how news media has manipulated the public consensus by peer pressures and the effect of affect in the democratic society.

 Democratic Governance and the Trends of Political Thoughts

Professor Yi-ming Yu in the department of Political Science in National Defense University had presented a paper titled “Relativism or Binarism? The Metamorphosis and Transfiguration of Ancient Military Ethics and Thoughts in China,” and in this paper he manifests the endless debates on whether the old Chinese military culture is idealistic or realistic and have military ethics changed by the environment. In this paper, Yu attempts to analyze the moral genealogy of Chinese values and cultures by the perspective of cultural anthropology. The factors of changing time and space have rinsed, ruminated and transformed the foundation of our culture. In the Spring and Autumn period Chinese military ethics were basically idealistic, and we emphasized on the “military solidification through manners.” Later on, the military ethics had been transformed into “a base built upon cunning.”

Political Governance and Bureaucratic System

Professor Kun-lu Wu in the department of Public Affairs in Ming Chuan University had presented a paper titled “The Making of Non-strategic Decision-making from Japanese Democratic Government on the Disadvantageous Society,” and in this paper Wu takes the literature review methodology to contemplate from the basis of “the Kuznets Curves” and “Political Kuznets Curves” and applies Charles Tilly’s concept of “the inequality of social categorization” to solve this case. The emphasis of inequality embedded within the system enables the dominant powers to strength their structural foundation, and henceforth the inequality issue is rooted in the organization of the system as the governmental efforts of re-distribution does nothing more than temporal alleviation.

In long-term observation, “the un-strategic decision-making” are mainly based upon certain important issues and also other potential issues. The issue of “disadvantageous society” has not been directly handled during the reign of Japanese democratic government. On the contrary, the government rarely pays direct attention to important policies basing on the economic revival, which are related to the practice of social equality, but these policies are nothing more than the means of economic revival.

Enthusiastic Participation

Enthusiastic Participation

Conference decoration

Conference decoration

Press conference of new books

Press conference of new books

Book Exhibition

Book Exhibition