主講人:黃一莊(Joseph Yit-Chong WONG)多倫多大學副校長以及政治學系教授(Vice President for International Affairs and Professor of the Department of Political Science, University of Toronto)
主持人:黃長玲 (Chang-Ling HUANG)臺灣大學亞比中心主任以及政治學系教授 (Director of the GARC and Professor of the Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University)
黃教授(Joseph Wong)是多倫多大學政治系教授與副校長,曾任該校亞洲研究中心主任,研究興趣涵蓋比較公共政策與政治經濟學,對亞洲民主轉型有深入研究。著有《從經濟發展到民主:現代亞洲轉型之路的不同面貌》(From Development to Democracy: The Transformations of Modern Asia)《生技賭注:亞洲發展型國家的創新與限制》(Betting on Biotech: Innovation and the Limits of Asia’s Developmental State)、《健康的民主國家:臺灣與南韓的社會福利政治》(Healthy Democracies: Welfare Politics in Taiwan and South Korea)。
Speaker: JOSEPH YIT-CHONG WONG(Vice President for International Affairs and Professor of the Department of Political Science, University of Toronto)
Host: Chang-Ling HUANG (Director of the GARC and Professor of the Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University)
Time: 12:30-14:00
Date: 12 November, 2024
Venue: Room 108, College of Social Sciences, National Taiwan University
Speech introduction
Once thought to be inhospitable to democracy, several Asian countries have successfully democratized in the postwar period, deepening their democracies while continuing to economically modernize. Countries like Taiwan, South Korea, postwar Japan and others in Southeast Asia demonstrate the connection between democracy and development. And yet, unlike in many other regions of the world, democratic transformation in Asia has unfolded in a distinctive way – rather than emerge from the ashes of collapsed authoritarianism, democracy was introduced by relatively strong autocratic regimes. Contentious politics and courageous opposition prompted the ancien regimes to consider “democracy through strength.” Drawing on his most recent book (co-authored with Dan Slater), From Development to Democracy: the Transformations of Modern Asia (Princeton University Press, 2022), as well as from over two decades of research on the region, Professor Wong offers an optimistic take on the prospects of democracy in Asia; the imperative for autocratic regimes – such as the CCP in the China – to democratize sooner rather than later; and the leading role that Taiwan plays in illuminating the challenges but ultimately the promise of Asia’s democratic future.
About Joseph Wong
Professor Joseph Wong is a Professor of Political Science and Vice President at the University of Toronto. He previously served as the Director of the University’s Asian Institute. His research interests include comparative public policy and political economy, with a deep focus on democratic transitions in Asia. He is the author of From Development to Democracy: The Transformations of Modern Asia, Betting on Biotech: Innovation and the Limits of Asia’s Developmental State, and Healthy Democracies: Welfare Politics in Taiwan and South Korea.
由國家科學及技術委員會人文及社會科學研究發展處所規劃、並由中央研究院政治學研究所、社會學研究所、經濟學研究所、政治大學選舉研究中心、創新國際學院以及臺灣大學社會學系共同舉辦的「社會科學計量方法研習營」(Institute for Social Sciences Methodology,以下簡稱ISSM),將於2024年10月04日(週五)舉辦「巨量資料視覺化」工作坊,參與學者及會議詳細資訊請見下方;
會議日期:113年10月4日 14:00-17:40
□ 陳君厚 (Research Fellow, Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica)
□ Steven Liao(Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of California, Riverside)
國立臺灣大學政治學系將在民國113年9月23日(一)上午9點20分(報到時間為08:50)於集思交通部國際會議中心國際會議廳(臺北市中正區杭州南路一段24號三樓),舉辦「在十字路口的印太秩序與南海安全」 (Indo-Pacific Order and South China Sea Security at a Crossroads)國際研討會。 此次國際研討會主要以實體發表與問答為主,現場可選擇配備同步翻譯耳機。
Call for Panels Now Open! The Call for Panels for the 2025 IPSA World Congress of Political Science is now open! Next year’s event will be held in Seoul, South Korea, from 12-16 July 2025. We welcome panel proposals (open and closed) on any subject in political science and look forward to featuring special events and panels focused on the Congress theme Resisting Autocratization in Polarized Societies. Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to share your research with peers and engage with the global political science community! Please visit the World Congress website for important details and submission guidelines. Note that the Call for Papers will open on 10 September 2024.
Panel Submissions Anyone can submit a proposal. An IPSA online account (free) is required in order to submit a proposal. While IPSA membership is not required for submission, it is mandatory for participation and registration for the IPSA World Congress. For more information, please visit the IPSA Individual membership page. Deadline to Submit Open Panel Proposals: 28 August 2024Deadline to Submit Closed Panel Proposals*: 5 November 2024 *Please note that to submit a closed panel proposal, you are responsible for recruiting four to six paper presenters. Panel proposals may be submitted in up to two (2) tracks. View Tracks Open to Submissions. Click here to familiarize yourself with the guidelines for panel proposals and rules for participation.
http://www.capstaipei.org.tw/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/wc2025-logo-toponly.png4281000capshttp://capstaipei.org.tw/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/中國政治學會-識別設計-0413_橫式組合-A-300x102.pngcaps2024-07-14 04:32:552024-07-14 04:32:57Call for Panels for the 2025 IPSA World Congress Now Open
The 28th IPSA World Congress of Political Science website is now online! The 2025 IPSA World Congress of Political Science will be held at the Coex Convention & Exhibition Center in Seoul, South Korea, as a fully in-person event from 12-16 July 2025 under the theme Resisting Autocratization in Polarized Societies.
The Congress website, wc2025.ipsa.org, features details on the World Congress theme and program, important deadlines, registration fees, venue information, the procedure to apply for a Korean visa, and useful information about Seoul, a fascinating and unique destination with a dual character of ancient traditions and ultra-modern technological lifestyles. The city offers a wealth of experiences, with each visit providing a unique perspective.
The 2025 IPSA World Congress of Political Science will be a fully in-person event. This decision by the IPSA Executive Committee aims to maximize the benefits of in-person interactions, essential for networking and collaboration. Participants can engage more fully in sessions, workshops, and presentations, facilitating dynamic discussions and enhancing the learning experience. The focused environment minimizes distractions, and the reliability of in-person participation eliminates technological disruptions, ensuring a smooth and consistent conference experience. Additionally, holding the World Congress in Seoul offers a unique opportunity for cultural exchange, allowing attendees to experience South Korea’s rich history and traditions.
The Congress will provide you with a great opportunity to present your work and discuss political science and international relations with global scholars. It will also include local and regional representation. The Local Organizing Committee (LOC) is composed of colleagues from three regional countries: The Korean Political Science Association (KPSA), the Japanese Political Science Association (JPSA), and the Chinese Association of Political Science, Taipei (CAPS). The Congress will also coexist with the annual World Congress of the Korean Political Science Association (KPSA).
http://www.capstaipei.org.tw/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/擷取1.jpg82413capshttp://capstaipei.org.tw/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/中國政治學會-識別設計-0413_橫式組合-A-300x102.pngcaps2024-06-06 14:33:252024-06-06 14:45:35The 2025 IPSA World Congress Website Now Online